What is Food Yoga? Food Yoga is a holistic lifestyle practice that recognizes food as more than just fuel—it is a medium for spiritual transformation and self-realization. Rooted in ancient Vedic wisdom, Food Yoga elevates eating to a sacred act, where the food we consume...
Excerpt from The Alpha Omega Male book – Religion and Sex
posted by: Paul Rodney Turner
September 17, 2024
Michael Winn, President of Healing Tao USA, suggests that “The decline of religion in the West may have begun in the 60s when the experience of sex became more powerful than the spiritual experience offered by religion in prayer or fellowship.[1]” For most people, sex...
Turning 60 can be a clue to Self-realization
posted by: Paul Rodney Turner
June 28, 2024
Last November, my body turned 60. When you reach the milestone of 60 years of age, it can be rather daunting. However, it’s important to remember that age is merely a number, and its significance is determined by the thoughts, feelings, and intentions we associate...
Kindness is a superpower
posted by: Paul Rodney Turner
May 28, 2024
Kindness is a much-needed quality in the divisive world that we all live in. However, with all the politically motivated violence, global manipulation of our minds through social media; the sexual exploitation of innocent children, and the gross criminal behavior of politicians and the...
What does it mean to be socially responsible as an individual, and as a company?
posted by: Paul Rodney Turner
Planning and executing your business strategies with a socially responsible mindset is good business practice. Not only are your customers expecting it, but it feels right too. But why? The reason is simple: by nature, we are all energetically connected. We are interdependent beings —...
Let’s Make Web3 Great Again
posted by: Paul Rodney Turner
Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0 represent the evolution of the Internet’s capabilities, user interaction, and underlying philosophies: Web 1.0 (The Static Web): Web 1.0 refers to the earliest phase of the Internet, characterized by static web pages that were primarily designed for reading. This...
Excerpt from The Alpha Omega Man
posted by: Paul Rodney Turner
September 21, 2023
Excerpt from my new book, The Alpha Omega Man – A Spiritual Journey to Balanced Masculinity Available on Amazon 2024 Monk Years On December 25, 1983, Christmas day, at age 20, I officially became a devotee of Krishna consciousness, and after 6 months of practice,...
New book being worked on – The Alpha Omega Male
posted by: Paul Rodney Turner
April 4, 2023
Excerpt from The Alpha Omega Male by Paul Rodney Turner So, you want to be a Warrior? “We’re the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place, we have no Great war, no Great depression, our great war is a spiritual war…” – Tyler...
A dad is someone that owns the job of protecting and serving their family, He is confident and responsible, and ever adaptable, And is never short of gallantry To protect and serve can sometimes be challenging, When things do not work out as planned,...
75% of Consumers Today are Demanding that Companies Give Back
posted by: Paul Rodney Turner
April 11, 2022
In a Forbes article, Nikki Carlson writes: While corporate philanthropy isn’t new, we’re in the middle of a do-good renaissance where brands give back. But as brands, we know philanthropy is about more than doing good in the world. Philanthropy increases brand loyalty when you practice...