This 120-page book provides the essential ingredients of what makes a great billiards player. The chapters are concise and digestible and not filled with unnecessary fluff. The idea behind the book was to give you an easy-to-understand roadmap to success in the form of short essays describing key elements of the game. One glaring omission from many books on billiards is a lack of information on the mental side of the game, including visualization, and how to practically incorporate proven techniques of visualization and mind management into our game. The book is more than an instructional treatise on the fundamentals of billiards; it includes techniques and tools for self-improvement.
Joe Tucker (Professional Player and Coach): “As I read through The YOGA of POOL, I found myself nodding — not sleeping nodding, but nodding in agreement. I kept finding myself saying “yes, yes, yes.” And then I found myself saying, “damn, I wish I’d had this book when I first started playing (25 yrs ago)”. What a path to be on! Read this book; follow as much of the path as you can, and I am sure you will look back having less regrets, more joy, and will have made much more progress.” The Monk
Tim Miller: I read The YOGA of POOL and concluded that all serious pool players should own one, read it through, and read it again. Paul offers us a wonderful inner-game approach to becoming a champion. He outlines a step-by-step method to take us on this never-ending journey. I use his techniques in my workshops. They come from one of this game’s premiere writers. Buy this book today, and I will look for you in the finals.