Most people today think that kindness is a kind of sentimental gesture, or something we do to show favor to someone else. But I am here to explain how it is much more than that — and I will go as far to say that...
When one thinks of kindness, it conjures up images of puppy dogs and outstretched hands offering food to the needy. But is the act of kindness the exclusive domain of charity? Of course not. Kindness is an innate quality we all possess as humans. The...
As men, we’ve all had those days when we failed ourselves — when we did not live up to the standards of integrity and leadership that are expected of a husband, father, or leader. It happens to the best of us. But why? Well, one...
Now it appears that our diets and lifestyles can change the expression of our genes. How? By influencing a network of chemical switches within our cells collectively known as the epigenome. – NOVA’s Ghost in Your Genes, PBS Did you know that genes control everything...
Does your life feel out of alignment or disconnected?Do you feel dissatisfied, frustrated, or depressed? Such feelings should not go unwarranted. They are real and need to be dealt with like any illness, only in this case, we are dealing with the very core...
Elon Musk’s tweet to David Beasley, the director of the World Food Programme (WFP) was epic. “If WFP can describe on this Twitter thread exactly how $6 billion will solve world hunger, I will sell Tesla stock right now and do it,” Musk wrote on...
Guest Paul Rodney Turner is the founder of Food For Life Global, the world’s largest vegan food relief organization with 211 projects in 60 countries serving up to 2 million meals daily. He has more than 35 years of experience in food security, food and...
Unconventional Life Podcast Food Paired with Loving Intention
posted by: Paul Rodney Turner
June 20, 2021
Paul Turner co-founded Food for Life Global in 1995. He is a former monk, a veteran of the World Bank, entrepreneur, holistic life coach, vegan chef and author of 6 books, including, FOOD YOGA, How to Build a Successful Food Relief, and the Food for Life...
HLWM Radio 45 Podcast Your browser does not support the audio element.
Why you need a measurable cause marketing strategy
posted by: Paul Rodney Turner
February 7, 2021
Most consumers today are demanding that companies not only be socially-responsible but that they also give back in a meaningful way. In fact, 71% of young consumers will even change brands if one is more charitable than the other. However, until now, such cause marketing...