What is Food Yoga? Food Yoga is a holistic lifestyle practice that recognizes food as more than just fuel—it is a medium for spiritual transformation and self-realization. Rooted in ancient Vedic wisdom, Food Yoga elevates eating to a sacred act, where the food we consume...
Category: Natural Cures
Paul, the Food Yogi offers a simple, yet effective remedy for hay fever symptoms. It is harmless and enjoyable. #heyfever #cureforheyfever #naturalremedies #homecures
What you can do if you start showing symptoms of the Coronavirus
posted by: Paul Rodney Turner
April 24, 2020
As I have written about many times on LinkedIn and my social media, no living thing is useless, every weed, herb, plant, and animal has a purpose — service to perform for the entire ecosystem. We are all interdependent beings and the more we can...
The Danger of Celibacy When Done Incorrectly
posted by: Paul Rodney Turner
February 27, 2018
When I was 19, I became a celibate monk Brahmachari and I remained celibate for the next 14 years. Looking back, I am proud and astonished that I managed to maintain that vow considering all the challenges and temptations I had back then. Young girls...
How to make your own natural vegan toothpaste at home
posted by: Paul Rodney Turner
July 20, 2017
The warning label appears on all major toothpaste brands! For strong teeth and an irresistible smile, we need to keep our mouth free of bacteria and brush after every meal. However, the most important thing is to stay away from toxic substances contained in most...
What is the best way to destress? It’s not cannabis or any kind of drug
posted by: Paul Rodney Turner
May 27, 2017
We all feel stress at some point. It’s inevitable in the fast-paced world we inhabit. Stress relief is a multi-billion dollar industry and everyone seems to have an answer. I am not here to sell you on the latest solution but rather present to you something...
How Can I Master the Mind and Achieve My Goals
posted by: Paul Rodney Turner
May 3, 2017
So how do you break free of all the mental shackles that hold you back in life? Recently I realized that I didn’t have to put in hours or even years trying to solve this dilemma. I didn’t have to interpret dreams, read endless...
How to eliminate kidney stones naturally and easily
posted by: Paul Rodney Turner
March 12, 2016
So, you’ve felt the excruciating pain of a kidney stone? Or you’ve heard about it and want to avoid one? Well, I can tell you honestly, there is a simple and effective way to treat and avoid kidney stones that can save you thousands of...
The Stain on the Vegan Diet – B12 deficiency. The Solution may Surprise you.
posted by: Paul Rodney Turner
December 13, 2014
[Updated July 2015 from an original post in April 2014] Bullshit! Yes, actually that’s it. Well, that and cow shit usually referred to as cow dung. You see, despite the obvious merit of choosing to be a vegan, which essentially means avoiding all foods, clothing...