Typically when we think of exchanging gifts it is all about the material acquisition of stuff that at a certain point in time becomes useless stuff and we either throw it away or donate it to a thrift store. But what if we could gift...
World Food Day is a great idea, but what is the real solution to World Hunger?
posted by: Paul Rodney Turner
October 18, 2014
World Food Day is celebrated every year around the world on 16 October in honor of the date of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1945. The day is celebrated widely by many other organisations concerned with food...
Gandhi’s birthday — What will You Do Today in His Honour?
posted by: Paul Rodney Turner
October 2, 2014
SOURCE: FFL.ORG Today marks the anniversary of one of the most famous and influential men of the modern era, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, born October 2, 1869. Gandhi was the preeminent leader of Indian independence movement in British-ruled India. Employing non-violent civil disobedience, he led India...
New Food for Life Documentary Released: Uniting the World Through Pure Food
posted by: Paul Rodney Turner
August 4, 2014
The world’s largest plant-based food relief has a unique mission — the solution for world peace. This new documentary features some of the primary feeding programs the charity has around the world, including the Food for Life Annamrita midday meal project that feeds school children across India. Currently Food for...
Uniting the world through pure food – Imagine!
posted by: Paul Rodney Turner
June 5, 2014
If there is one thing absolute in this world it is that food has the power to unite. And the recent floods that devastated parts of the Balkans is a case in point. People from all ethnicities are reaching out to help their “brothers” and...
First Steps in God Realization
posted by: Paul Rodney Turner
February 18, 2013
The idea that realization of God can be experienced in the mundane act of drinking water is profound to say the least, but certainly believable once we accept the all-pervasive nature of the Supreme. After all, water is just one of the numerous energies that...
Real friends are friends ALWAYS
posted by: Paul Rodney Turner
January 15, 2013
Real friends are friends ALWAYS, even if sometimes there is a misunderstanding through electronic media. It amazes me how careless we are sometimes in interpreting what intentions, inflections, or tone of voice, etc, has come with the words we receive through SMS, chat or email....